Saturday, February 2, 2008

Soft Launch of New Personal Shopping Service for Gifts - That Perfect Something

When I first started this blog last February, I mentioned that I was planning to start a personal shopping service for gifts. Well, I'm happy to announce that I'll finally be launching my business - That Perfect Something this February. That Perfect Something offers Gift Consulting, Gift Concierge, and Gift Shopping Companion services. I'll let you know when we'll begin to take orders, but in the meantime you can preview my new venture at and see how these services will assist you with all your gift buying and gift giving needs.

Lois Loves - Red Envelope Message Collar Stays

Well another great holiday for gifts is around the corner - Valentine's Day. In honor of V-Day I'll post some gift ideas over the next two weeks. I think you'll love this gift I found at Red Envelope . You can always count on Red Envelope to deliver unique gifts and they don't disappoint with their Message Collar Stays . There are 12 collar stays in each set and each set has a different message. You can either get the PG set or the Racy set. The racy collar stays contain messages like, "A surprise is waiting", "That tie will be useful", and "I want you always". The PG collar stays contain messages like, "You follow your dreams", "You keep my secrets", and "You laugh at my jokes". These collar stays are a great way to let your significant other always remember you are thinking of him. The collar stays can be purchased for $35 or $40 with personalization.